Wednesday, March 2, 2016

“Honest is the best policy.”  This is a phrase that we have heard since we were children. It is one that has been shared with countless generations.  Seemingly a simple phrase it carries with it many complexities.  Deep down everyone does try to live by this virtue.  At times it is easy and at times it is a great struggle. 

Honesty provides the foundation for relationships and one in which the value of integrity is built upon.  People are often willing to sacrifice their integrity to make certain gains and are willing to hurt others by what they say.  Honesty is not an easy characteristic to uphold, especially in our modern world where technology distracts us from our true values and beliefs.

During this Lenten Season let us reflect on the presence of God in our lives.  The God of truth, love and compassion is always with us.  We need to make the extra effort to allow our God to fill us with love and compassion. Our God desires and honest response from each one of us.  Let us bring our honest selves to our God and allow God to fill all those spaces that are empty so that we can go out to all the world and share that reality with all people.

Pat Schifini, OSU

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