Monday, January 27, 2014

St. Angela Merici's Feast Day

Join us in prayer for the Feast Day of St. Angela Merici,

Opening Prayer:  Loving God, we ask you to be with us today on the feast day of St.Angela Merici,  founderess of the Ursuline Sisters.  She gave us an example of prayerful and  dedicated service to all people.  Help us to do the same service. Let us read, listen and pray with Angela’s words.

Put your whole soul into the enterprise you have undertaken.”

 “Carry on steadfastly and faithfully the work you have undertaken.”
Be gentle and compassionate towards one another.”

“Wherever you are, give good example.”

“Help one another according to each need which may arise.”

“Always have charity burning in your hearts”

“If times and circumstances demand it, make necessary change;
 but  do so with prudence and good advice.”

Closing Prayer:  Gracious God, following the example of Angela Merici, we ask that you enlighten, direct, and teach us what we must do for love of you and for your people..  Help us to have confidence and strong faith that you will assist us in everything.  Bless us as we walk ahead for whatever you call us this day and everyday.     Amen

St. Angela Merici's Feast Day

Opening Prayer:  Loving God, we ask you to be with us today on the feast day of St.Angela Merici,  founderess of the Ursuline Sisters.  She gave us an example of prayerful and  dedicated service to all people.  Help us to do the same service. Let us read, listen and pray with Angela’s words.

Put your whole soul into the enterprise you have undertaken.”

 “Carry on steadfastly and faithfully the work you have undertaken.”
Be gentle and compassionate towards one another.”

“Wherever you are, give good example.”

“Help one another according to each need which may arise.”

“Always have charity burning in your hearts”

“If times and circumstances demand it, make necessary change;
 but  do so with prudence and good advice.”

Closing Prayer:  Gracious God, following the example of Angela Merici, we ask that you enlighten, direct, and teach us what we must do for love of you and for your people..  Help us to have confidence and strong faith that you will assist us in everything.  Bless us as we walk ahead for whatever you call us this day and everyday.     Amen

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The New Year of 2014-The Visit of the Three Kings

It is now 2014!!  Another exciting year ahead of us to have new adventures, new people in our lives and new experiences.  This year, I am really going to try to live out our Chapter message from October 2013.

Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union
Chapter 2013 Message

As communities of faith in mission, we  respond to God's gift of a new heart and a new spirit.
With the courage of Angela, we dare to be the change we wish to see in our world.
In solidarity and compassion, and compelled by the Gospel, 
we open our hearts to the cries of our earth and its people.

I need to remember to respond the the cries of our people and work to be the change I wish to see. I can't just talk- I need to act and be too.

Today, our Catholic Church celebrated the Three Kings coming to visit Baby Jesus-they came from afar to see Jesus- I need to remember to travel both literally and figuratively to allow myself to have a new heart and a new spirit. I can count on Angela's courage to go forward.

Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu