Opening Prayer: Loving God,
we ask you to be with us today on the feast day of St.Angela Merici, founderess of the Ursuline Sisters. She gave us an example of prayerful and dedicated service to all people. Help us to do the same service. Let us read,
listen and pray with Angela’s words.
“Put your whole soul into the enterprise you have undertaken.”
on steadfastly and faithfully the work you have undertaken.”
“Be gentle and compassionate towards one
you are, give good example.”
one another according to each need which may arise.”
have charity burning in your hearts”
times and circumstances demand it, make necessary change;
but do
so with prudence and good advice.”
Prayer: Gracious God, following the example of Angela Merici, we ask
that you enlighten, direct, and teach us what we must do for love of you and
for your people.. Help us to have
confidence and strong faith that you will assist us in everything. Bless us as we walk ahead for whatever you
call us this day and everyday. Amen
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