Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ascension Thursday

Today is a great day of celebration.  As Christians, we keep a fifty-day-long festival, punctuated by the Solemnity of the Ascension of our Lord – the fortieth day of Easter.  The feast of the Ascension, like a prism, helps us focus the wondrous colors of the Easter spectrum.

These images from the Ascension liturgy give us a sense of the hope and joy that color this feast:  “Christ’s ascension is our glory and hope.”  “The joy of the resurrection and the ascension renews the whole world.” “Where Christ has gone, we hope to follow.”  “Christ has passed beyond our sight, not to abandon us, but to be our hope.”  “Christ was taken up to heaven to claim for us a share in his divine life.

If we have been united with Christ through baptism in his death and resurrection, we are surely untied with him in the transformation and redemption of his humanity.  What we celebrate, however, is not only a past or future event.  We are given glimpses of our glorious destiny even now.  So, feet firmly planted on earth, the community gathers to rejoice in the life we share with the risen Lord.

As we celebrate this day we have much to be grateful for:  our friends, and our families.  Let us pray this day in thanksgiving for all the good God has done for us.  For as St. Angela Merici said, “Always let your principle recourse to be to gather together at the feet of Jesus Christ.”

Pat Schifini, OSU

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