Sunday, July 28, 2024

Seventeeth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Our world is in a most difficult place right now. Wars are raging, fires are out of control, violence abounds, political rivalries are in motion, and the Olympics have begun. It is a time when emotions are strained, and we may feel helpless. Political figures are maligning one another, and social media has blown up with disparaging remarks and comments.  During these times one may ask what can I do? It is a time for deep prayer and self-control when speaking to others.

Our gospel today speaks of the feeding of the 5, 000. It was a situation where Jesus did not turn the people away. Jesus asks what was available to help the people. He doesn’t create out of nothing. Jesus asks us to simply share what we have. We are called to share our time, talent, what we have with one another in faith. Perhaps as we navigate these crazy times we can remember to share what we have with one another in faith.

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