Sunday, September 18, 2016


Sometimes being away is a wonderful break from reality.  I had the pleasure of taking forty five high school juniors and seniors on their overnight retreat training program in Cresco, Pennsylvania.  It was a wonderful experience as the group came together to get to know each other and plan for the school’s retreat program.  They had group activities, individual reflection time, a camp fire, a high ropes course and the opportunity to go on the lake in a kayak or row boat.  To say the least they had a wonderful time and also accomplished a great deal.

Reality set in when I watched the news late last night and again this morning.  The incidents of violence are absolutely incredible.  Bombings, shootings, and stabbings were the lead stories today which lasted for about twenty minutes of the broadcast.  I was away with the students for not even thirty six hours and all that happened.  It leaves me to wonder what kind of world these young women have.  Let us renew our efforts to seek peace in all that we do and say!

Pat Schifini, OSU

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