Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Jesus, the Light of the World

I have always loved the image of Jesus as the “light of the world.”  The reality of Jesus inviting us into the light is a rather profound invitation.  Jesus invites us into the light not only so that we will not remain in the darkness but also to help guide our decisions, our thoughts and the longings of our hearts.  In doing so Jesus reminds us not to be worried about things – He invites us to trust.  Trust is so difficult for us to do at times yet Jesus keeps on inviting us to do so.  Jesus promises to be with us always and this is where we need to allow our faith to keep us strong.  We need to remember that Jesus doesn’t ask us if we are worthy and we need not worry we just need to be assured of His love for us.  Let us remember that Jesus is the light of the world and it is in His light and truth we must trust.  Each day let us allow this light to shine brightly before the whole world to see.

Pat Schifini, OSU

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