Today is the feast day of the Holy Family, but also every family's feast day since the Holy Family is the patron and model of all Christian families. Today should be a huge family feast, since it is devoted entirely to the Holy Family as a model for the Christian family life. Luke is the only one who recounts this story at the conclusion of his Infancy Narrative.
Mary, Joseph, and Jesus are presented in this Gospel as a faithful
Jewish family. They are participating in the annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem for
the feast of Passover, an event shared each year with family and friends. Jesus
is separated from his parents, and they trust that Jesus is with other family
members. When the realize Jesus is not with them, they return looking for Him. When
Jesus is found, Luke describes him as seated in the Temple amid the Jewish
teachers. Jesus astounds them with his insight and understanding. Jesus is a
child of Israel.
The conversation between Mary and Jesus is one that mirrors many
family situations when a child is lost. Anxiety, fear, concern, all come into
play. Jesus’ response to Mary can be seen as disrespectful. Jesus returned with
Mary and Joseph and grew in wisdom and knowledge. May this Feast of the Holy
Family be filled with many blessings for all.
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