Sunday, September 22, 2024



In today’s Gospel Mark paints, a vivid picture. Jesus and His disciples arrive in Capernaum and enter a house. Jesus asks them about the argument they had while they were journeying. The disciples are uncharacteristically silent and afraid to answer. They have been caught. Jesus then summons the twelve and teaches that those who would be first in God’s kingdom must be servants of all.

Jesus then calls forward a child and teaches the disciples that to receive a child in Jesus’ name is to receive both Jesus and the One who sent him. In this action, Jesus is teaching his disciples and us that when we serve the least ones among us, we serve Jesus himself. Who are the people without power or status in our society that Jesus is calling us to serve?

The Ursuline motto of “Serviam” – I will serve echoes this Gospel. Serviam is the motto of all the Ursuline Schools worldwide. The Latin word Serviam means “I will serve”. Service to your family, your parish, and your community are signs of Serviam. The word includes in its meaning self-sacrifice and world-embracing charity. The Serviam Shield is the emblem of loyalty known by Ursuline students throughout the world. The seven stars, representing Ursa Minor, are a reminder of St. Ursula, patroness of young women and education. The stars tell us of the heights to which our ideals must soar. The cross stands for Faith, the foundation of all Christian action.

“Take care of all…having each one engraved on your mind and hear, not only their names but also their situation” St. Angela Merici

As I was writing this reflection a song from the Dameans came to mind, We Are Made For Service is what we should do each day. Let us serve each other in joy and compassion.

We are made for service to care for each other; We are made to love each sister and brother With love that will last through sorrow and pain, A love that will never die with strain.

God sent His son to show us the way, One who shared His love every minute of the day, One who gave His life that we might live  And His spirit to help us through the years.

Life can be so lonely when nobody cares; Life can be so empty when nobody shares; But if we give ourselves both time and again The happiness of Christ will live within.

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