Sunday, September 24, 2023

Laborers and the Vineyard


Today’s Gospel is a most familiar one. Many people have the reaction “that’s not fair” when listening to it.  But the story told is not the whole meaning.  This Gospel tells us of God’s goodness.  God accepts us as we are, for who we are, never asking us to be something we can’t.  We need to seek the Lord while He may be found, we need to call to him as we are.  God invites us, gives us opportunities, God gives us hope.  We are on the way; we need to show up and do God’s will and follow God’s way.

Whenever I hear the first reading from the Prophet Isaiah I recall the song Seek the Lord by Roc O’Connor

Seek the Lord whose mercy abounds; call aloud to God who is near. Today is the day and now the proper hour to forsake our sinful lives and turn to the Lord.

Seek the Lord whose mercy abounds; call aloud to God who is near.  As high as the sky is above the earth, so high above our ways, the ways of the Lord.

Seek the Lord whose mercy abounds; call aloud to God who is near. Open your heart to hear the voice of God, whose words, whose ways lead us to life.
Seek the Lord whose mercy abounds; call aloud to God who is near. Some day we'll live in the house of God; hearts full of praise for God's gracious love.

May we always seek the Lord whose mercy abounds and call to our God who is always near.


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