Sunday, February 5, 2023

Black History Month


Faithful justice-seekers know that in God’s economy there are enough resources for all of us, not just the wealthy, well-connected, and white, to have thriving lives. But the sin of racism has endured in our country from slavery through today dimming the life of light, love, and freedom that is divinely meant for all of us.

During this month dedicated to celebrating and honoring Black history, we pause to reflect on the sin of racism—the original sin of our country. We come together, believing the collective power of prayer and our growing consciousness, as we reflect on the myriad of ways our lives have been impacted by racist policies and beliefs. As Dr. King said, "The time is always right to do the right thing."

We pray:

Good and gracious God,

We lament the lasting legacy of slavery and the many manifestations thereof, yielding racist policies and deep trauma that has continued for centuries since its ceremonial ending in the United States.

We commit ourselves to ongoing repair and redress of these sins.

We lament our complicity in allowing racist policies and practices to continue.

May we have the courage to disrupt and avert any system of inequity.

We affirm ourselves as members of one human family, believing that what affects one of us, affects all of us.

May we commit ourselves to seeing and hearing one another and being our siblings’ caretaker.

We lament that H.R. 40 has been introduced in Congress for 34 years without a floor vote and now,

We call on President Biden to establish, by Executive Order, the Commission to Study Reparations.

NOW is the time.  Amen.

Shared from Network

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