Sunday, October 2, 2022

Season of Creation Concludes


The 2022 Season of Creation closes with the celebration of the feast of 

St. Francis of Assisi on October 4th.  The prayer/reflection below was 

prepared by Mary Ann Dooling and Pat Harris from UrsulineAcademy

in St. Louis.  


                                                The Season of Creation/Service of Commitment


As followers of Angela, we share her Franciscan roots and her love of 

all creation. Angela, who found beauty and strength in the world around

her, calls us to be lovers and stewards of the world God has entrusted 

to us.


Opening Song: Canticle of the Sun


Reading: The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. Hence,

there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, in a mountain trail,

in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face. The ideal is not only to pass 

from the exterior to the interior to discover the action of God in the

soul, but also to discover God in all things. Saint Bonaventure teaches 

us that “contemplation deepens the more we feel the working of God’s

grace within our hearts, and the better we learn to encounter God in

creatures outside ourselves.” Laudato Si #233.


Response of Gratitude


For the galaxies, the stars, the solar system which ignited into the 

wonder, the beauty,vand ecstasy of the Universe.  We Thank You.


For all creatures, may they open our ears and move our hearts and 

teach us to contemplate and listen to the voice of each as they declare 

your glory. We Thank You.


For the cries and pleas of indigenous people, women and the whole 

bioverse; let us listen and hear their voices and laments; let us be 

grateful for their continuing care of the earth. We Thank You.


For the Voice that is telling us what to do; the time spent in reflection 

on the vastness of creation: and the gratitude for our ability to continue

to stand on this holy ground. We Thank You.


For the determination to imitate the Creator's love and care for creation 

as a "brother", a "sister", a “neighbor" as we live out our growing 

convictions. We Thank You.


For the resolve to promise direction and hope, commitment, and love for 

the Earth and Humankind. We Thank You.


Reflection: I Will Be a Hummingbird



Have hope and firm faith in God, for God will help you in everything.

St.  Angela


As a follower of Angela and member of the Ursuline family, I promise:

~ to advocate for those who lack the power to advocate for themselves

~ to recognize all of God’s creation as gift and worthy of care

~ to live simply and not adopt a consumerist mentality

~ to learn more about the true costs and advantages of the          

   “green economy”

~ to engage with others in specific action to improve our local 


~ to investigate more about the impact of my actions on climate change

~ to spend time in nature celebrating the wonder of creation.

Closing Prayer: God of all life, guide and strengthen us that we may truly be 

co-creators and cosustainers with you. Grant us the insights and energy 

to fulfill your call to us to respect, repair and renew your precious of 

creation.  We pray in the name of our brother Jesus and through the

intercession of Saint Angela. Amen.

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