Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Woman at the Well

Today’s Gospel, I believe is one of my favorites.  I love the story of the Woman at the Well.  In this story Jesus goes to the well during the day and discovers the woman who is there drawing water.  There are many things wrong with this scene.  First the woman should never have been at the well during the day, she was supposed to go to the well in the early morning or the early evening.  No woman was to be out alone during the day.  Secondly, Jesus should never have spoken to this particular woman for she was a Samaritan – the enemy of the Jewish people at that time.  It was an encounter that never should have taken place yet it changed a woman forever.

Jesus invited this woman to talk. She finds Him engaging all right, but this man shouldn’t be talking to her.  The woman knew what was at stake and probably thought that Jesus had no idea of what was wrong with this picture.  She tried to get Him to leave and not speak to her but Jesus had another plan.  Jesus knew what truly mattered and was determined to help her to see His perspective.  Ultimately she drops her agenda and begins to listen to Him.  For some reason she was not threatened by Jesus and begs Him to give her the life giving water He spoke of. 

She doesn’t cower in fear rather she listens to Him as He reveals her life in detail.  He gently stripped way all that held her back from feeling like a valued person.  As Jesus revealed her life she experienced His healing touch. 

As I think about this Gospel during Lent I think about what is Jesus desiring for me?  What do I need to let go of to receive His healing touch?  Can I let go of the things that hold me back from receiving His healing touch?  May we always try to be open to the amazing grace of our God.

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