Sunday, July 14, 2019

Love and Mercy

Today’s Gospel is the familiar story of the Good Samaritan.  It is a story that we have heard many times and yet it is one that is filled with tremendous meaning.  When I listen to this story I try to reflect on what am I doing to treat others with respect, how have I come to the aid of a neighbor, do I build people up or tear them down, and what more can I do to help others?  In our lives we have met people who have hurt us and we are at times hesitant to help or trust.  This is exactly what we are being called to do.  We have to be willing to bandage wounds of others, welcome the stranger in our midst and do all that we can to help meet the needs of others.  In our world today there are many who are suffering, who are marginalized and we need to be willing to put their needs in front of our own and do what we can.  Each of us is called to be Christ for one another.  In doing so we reach out as Jesus would and become that source of hope for others.  He will always lead us in the right way of doing things.  Are we willing to humble ourselves enough before Jesus to ask for divine assistance?  Are our hearts open enough to feel Jesus’ presence walking with and guiding us?  Let us make today the day where we open our hearts to extend love and mercy to others.

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