Saturday, May 4, 2019

Jubilee Day 2019

Today the Ursuline Sisters celebrated our Province Jubilee Celebration, thirteen sisters will mark some 710 years of Religious Profession.  Each of these women responded to Jesus’ invitation to “Come and See.”  They responded not knowing fully where the journey would lead them.  With an eagerness of heart and a sense of awe they came and stayed.  Over the years they have been principals, educators, councilors, authors, pastoral care ministers, midwives, missionaries and working with the poor.  They have served in Province Leadership and International Leadership.  Each one brought her unique set of gifts with her and shared them unconditionally.  As we celebrate today we thank our loving God for the gift you have been to us.  Thank you Barbara, Beth, Brenda, Celestine, Claire, Fran, Julia, Mary, Mary Beth, Maryellen, Maureen, Pascal, and Pat for your loving fidelity to God and God's people. Ad multos annos!

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