Monday, November 7, 2011


Yesterday, I spent some of the day at a brunch in New Rochelle, NY. The brunch was for an organization titled Songcatchers that one of our sisters Sr. Beth Dowd, osu founded and currently runs.

Songcatchers is mainly a music program that provides low cost music lessons for children. The program is mainly managed by a host of volunteers. High school and college students provide lessons to younger school aged children. Professional musicians mentor the "teachers". Songcatchers also has an early childhood music program for toddlers. There is a week-long camp program where the child sing daily and prepare for a musical production at the end. Also Songcatchers is an intergenerational choir who sings for peace at various concerts throughout the year. One of our blog writer's Sr. Pat Schifini, osu sings with choir at times.

During yesterday's brunch we were treated to singing from the choir, singing from New Rochelle Opera Company, piano, flute and violin playing, a mini concert from the Soundettes, another musical group, great accolades to honorees who support music program and some wonderful smiles from all who were present.

It was an uplifting time. Joy was definitely present. Check out for more information about this great organization.

Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu

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