Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Angela 's Words

"Strive to be faithful to that which God has called you."
Angela Merici

Thursday, May 19, 2011


For the past three days, it has been raining on and off in New York City. Yesterday, on my way home as I was walking toward the 1 subway, there was a major downpour of water. My pants, shoes, and socks were drenched very quickly. My back pack also got soaked and so did the papers inside. This morning the papers and notebook were still wet and yucky. At first, I got so upset.

However, as I prayed and reflected this morning, I realize that yes while having wet papers and notebooks is a drag, it is a small inconvenience compared to what others are experiencing with weather conditions lately. Mississippi is experiencing major flood. Texas and New Mexico are in a drought. Alabama has suffered a tornado. Many people are being affected in major ways.

I pray for all people suffering any disruptions and calamities due to weather conditions.

Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Years in Life & Life in Years

My 40th birthday is coming up in a few days. I have very mixed feelings about. Part of me thinks it doesn't matter; while another part thinks it is a really big deal.

Yestedday, I received a birthday card from a friend, Sr. Ann Peterson, osu. The card says:

In the end,

it's not the years

in your life

that count.

It's the life

in your years.

By: Abe Lincoln

I am so struck by that message and realize that I need to start living my years and not accumulating them. Life is a gift that we must treasure and foster. I'm going to begin today by taking time to get ourdoors and enjoy the fresh air that God so willingly shares with us.

Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Today is a special day during which we say Thank You to our mothers for their love, dedication and concern for us. Prayers and blessings to all mom and all women who provide some mothering to any of God's creation.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We are an Easter People and HOPE is our legacy!!

Lord, you invite us to a conversion to hope.

Even in the midst of our own despair,

You call us to become signs of hope in a

world of sin and suffering.

Help us to be open to the gifts you give us so freely.

Help us cultivate and nurture the seeds of hope within

ourselves, our families, and our communities.

Let us celebrate the growth of hope,

no matter how fragile a seedling it may be.

We trust in You to guide us as we turn

towards the building of the Kingdom of God

in the hope and the joy that is the

ground of our faith.