Monday, January 18, 2010


Welcome to Windows on Ursuline Life!!!

It's our first attempt at a blog and we're starting it as a way to let our friends and others learn more about our community, our ministries, how we live and what's important to us.

We've decided to start it today-the legal holiday of Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a man who worked for peace and justice and that is what we Ursulines try to do daily whether it be in our community living, ministry sites, corporate stances, investments or daily actions.

Our foundress St. Angela Merici started us in November 1535. We're almost 475 years old. How amazing!!! Angela was a peacemaker and among the people of her time, she was seen as a reconciler.

We hope that through this blog, you will come to know Angela and us as we continue to try to live in her path. Please feel free to ask us questions and provide feedback.

Sr. Jeannie

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