Friday, May 26, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend

For Americans, Memorial Day Weekend marks the beginning of the summer season. Merchants are hoping for good weather and a great beach season which will help them get through the lean winter season. Millions of us will be traveling for family reunions, for graduations, for fun gatherings or just to "get away."  It is a time for parades and festivals.

But, we must never forget the real reason Memorial Day was begun.  It is a time for the Nation to remember our war dead, those patriots who were willing to fight for freedom and to defend the rights of others.  Many lives are touched when a young man or woman is killed while serving in the Armed Forces.  In the midst of our festivities this weekend, let us take time to say a prayer for these patriots and their families and to remember those men and women still serving today.  Thank them for their service if you meet a veteran.

KM Donohue, OSU

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