Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 Third Tuesday of Lent

In today’s responsorial psalm, (Psalm 31) our response is Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.  

Quite honestly, I find that a big order.  It requires me to have to stop having my own personal control and to trust in God as my savior.   I can’t just do things on my own. Rather I need to ask God for help and trust in God’s loving kindness to assist me.  It is about God too, not just me!      

In the verses there is mention of God bring a rock of refuge, a fortress, a stronghold, and God shining his/her face and providing shelter to his/her servant.  All these talk of the strength of God’s care and goodness to us. How comforting!

My spirit which must be presented to God, our Lord consists of my emotions and my character. It is my soul-it is the true part of me not just the physical piece.  It consists of my deepest desires and wishes.  

I say those are to be and do what God wants of me-but that requires me to have courage, trust and to be vulnerable.  I am not always great at that, but I have to keep trying at least!!  

St.  Angela Merici, Founder of the Ursuline Sisters says – You need not be anxious if you try your best.  I must take those words in consideration and always try my best to trust in God.  Trust isn’t easy for me but it is necessary for me to live a good life.  

God hasn’t really let me down beforehand so I must keep building up my relationship with God and stop trying to control things-I must let God take the wheel!  We all need to keep remembering that and working our best to let it happen.

Good Luck, my friends!  


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Third Sunday of Lent


Today we mark the third Sunday of Lent, the Gospel prepares us to hear Lent's call to conversion and repentance. Today's reading from St. Luke reveals to us a God who is compassionate and patient not punitive and vindictive.  During his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus teaches and heals.  He must also respond to those who question and challenge his authority and actions.

The parable of the barren fig tree contrasts the patience and hopefulness of the gardener with the practicality of the property owner. When told to cut down the fig tree because it is not producing fruit, the gardener counsels patience. If properly tended, the barren fig tree may yet bear fruit. 

Throughout his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching about the Kingdom of God. In this parable, we find an image of God's patience and hopefulness as he prepares his Kingdom. God calls us to repent and turn our lives around.

This week I have been listening to a song by Anne Quigley, There is a Longing in our Hearts.  It spoke to me of the journey of Lent.  I share the words and invite you to spend some time praying with the words.
             There is a longing in our hearts, O Lord
             for you to reveal yourself to us
             There is a longing in our hearts, O Lord
             for love we only find in you, our God
For justice, for freedom, for mercy, hear our prayer
In sorrow, in grief, be near, hear our prayer, O God
For wisdom, for courage, for comfort, hear our prayer
In weakness, in fear, be near, hear our prayer, O God
Lord, save us, take pity, light in our darkness
We call you (we call you) we wait (we wait)
Be near, hear our prayer, O God

This song gives me hope.  Our loving God refuse to abandon us, he chooses to attend to us. Let us live this week remembering God’s abundant love for us.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Second Sunday of Lent


In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration. During our Lenten journey, we are called to be transformed and hear God’s voice tell us, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” Like those first disciples, we can become afraid, but we acknowledge how good it is to be here with the Lord. 

When I began my prayer today, I was overwhelmed by images and thoughts of Ukraine.  I could not get the people out of my mind.  I found myself struggling with trying to connect the Transfiguration with the reality of our world today.  Fear of a third world war, possibility of a nuclear attack, and the images of the bombings so close to Poland caused me to wonder.  As I prayed, I found comfort in the idea of God’s promise to always be with us.  Somehow no matter where we are God is with us.  I kept trying to focus on that during my prayer.  I know I desire a nonviolent solution, but I also am realistic enough to know that may not be possible.  What is essential is that I keep praying for all those situations I find myself bombarded with.

During this Lenten season as we fast and pray let us take time to listen to Jesus in prayer and find the time and space for silence.  Fasting from those activities and noises that so easily distract us can help us find that time and space to spend with Jesus.  Let this Lenten season transform our hearts and minds toward love and peace.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

First Sunday of Lent


Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Lent.  We hear in the Gospel the familiar story of Jesus’ Temptation in the Desert.  In each of the three Synoptic Gospels, after his baptism, Jesus is reported to have spent forty days in the desert, fasting and praying. In Luke and in Matthew, the devil presents three temptations to Jesus. Satan tempts Jesus to use his power to appease his hunger, he offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus will worship him, and he tempts Jesus to put God's promise of protection to the test. In each case, Jesus resists, citing words from Scripture to rebuke the devil's temptation.

Each temptation that Jesus faces offers insight into the spirituality we hope to develop as we keep the forty days of the Season of Lent. We can trust God to provide for our material needs. We worship God because God alone has dominion over us and our world. We can trust God to be faithful to his promises. Jesus' rejection of the devil's temptations shows that he will not put God to the test. Grounding himself on the Word and authority of Scripture, Jesus rebukes the devil by his confidence in God's protection and faithfulness.

Lent means spring.  This season calls us to conversion.  Christians are asked to return to God with their hearts.  Jesus is the faithful friend who never abandons us.  Even when we sin, he patiently awaits our return; by that patient expectation, he shows his readiness to forgive.  Lent is a favorable season for deepening our spiritual life through the means of prayer, fasting and abstinence.  At the basis of everything is the word of God, which during this season we are invited to hear and ponder more deeply. 

Pope Francis reminds us in his message for Lent 2022, we are called to “sow seeds of goodness for the benefit of others”, to take daily concrete actions in favor of our brothers and sisters. This means actively choosing to make visible and hear the voices of those people who are on the margins. This means actively seeking and reaching out to those whom society has excluded and making a place for them. This means to sow seeds of hope even in the darkest moments. This means putting into practice our call to love without exception.

St. Angela tells us, “For in these troubled times, you will find no other refuge than Jesus Christ.  For if it is he who directs and teaches you, you will be well taught…Act, move, believe, strive, hope, cry out to God with all your heart, for without doubt you will see marvelous things…”  Pope Francis and St. Angela both encourage us to reach out to others and hold them in prayer.  Let us make our world a softer, gentler place as we walk to road to Easter.