Sunday, November 2, 2014
November -Being Grateful
As we prepare for Thanksgiving, later this month, I have decided to take time in my prayer each day to say Thank you for the many blessings in my life. I have so much to be grateful for-people who care about me, a roof over my head, food and drink, a great job, life in a free and so much more. Sometimes life gets hectic and I get overwhelmed with all the many tasks and responsibilities I have; but I need to take time to appreciate all the blessings God has bestowed on me.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Back to School Time
Both Sr. Pat and I work in our two Ursuline Schools in New York. Pat is Campus Minister and Religion Teacher at The Ursuline School in New Rochelle, NY. I am just beginning my tenure as principal of the Academy of Mount. St. Ursula in the Bronx. Both of us love what we do and are very interested in education and the growth and development of young women.
Today is Labor Day in the United States-it's the last day of vacation for us before we go back to school tomorrow for faculty conference days.
We hope this 2014-2015 academic year will be a rewarding and life-giving one for all administration, faculty, staff, students and families in all the different school communities around the world.
Education, School, Learning, Broader Global View, Values, Discipline, Organization, Study, Friends, Conversations, Discussion, Debates, Writing papers, Grading work and exams, Preparing lessons, Studying for exams, Reviewing class notes-all these words make up the events of one's school life.
Best of luck for the new school year!!
Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu
Today is Labor Day in the United States-it's the last day of vacation for us before we go back to school tomorrow for faculty conference days.
We hope this 2014-2015 academic year will be a rewarding and life-giving one for all administration, faculty, staff, students and families in all the different school communities around the world.
Education, School, Learning, Broader Global View, Values, Discipline, Organization, Study, Friends, Conversations, Discussion, Debates, Writing papers, Grading work and exams, Preparing lessons, Studying for exams, Reviewing class notes-all these words make up the events of one's school life.
Best of luck for the new school year!!
Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu
Friday, August 15, 2014
Assumption of Mary
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! As I prayed this morning I was struck with the profound memories I have of this Feast Day. It is more that just having to go to Church during my summer vacation. One of the traditions of our neighborhood growing up was a special procession on this day. The Villa Avenue Feast was a highlight of this day. All the girls would be invited to dress up in white dresses and would wear blue capes as we processed with the statue of Our Lady through the streets and down the Grand Concourse ending the procession at our parish church, St. Philip Neri. The evening would culminate with a special mass. As I prayed this morning I was struck by Mary's "yes" once again. A very simple word to say, yet it is probably one of the most difficult ones to utter. Mary said yes to an invitation that changed the world and history. Our "yeses" may not be as significant but are just as important. Let us take some time today to say "yes" to the God of love and compassion.
Blessings of peace and joy,
Sr. Pat
Blessings of peace and joy,
Sr. Pat
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Reflection on Water
The theme of this summer has certainly been water for me. I had the opportunity to go on a family cruise, my retreat was on Enders Island off Mystic, Connecticut and now I am just finishing a few days of vacation at the Jersey Shore. Last night we had one of those wild shore storms where the water and wind were thrashing everywhere. As I listened to the rain and the ocean in the distance I was struck by the many ways water moves. From the crashing of waves to the torrential rain that was coming down I remained in awe of what was going on around me. Above all I was reminded that all of this is a gift God's great love for us. Our God is an awesome God who loves each of us for who we are. Here are some images of God's love. Enjoy.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Being Together
I just returned from some time in Seattle with friends from Giving Voice, a group of younger women religious under the age of 50. We hosted a 40s retreat there and had a wonderful time. We shared about our childhood, call to religious life and what it is like living as a woman religious today. It was so great to be with peers-that is not always the case in religious life. But this gathering showed me there are others like me with the same heart tugs, struggles, challenges and joys. It was such a life-giving experience for me. We shopped, talked, ate, played, drank, swam, barbecued, cleaned, and went out on paddleboats on the Lake right outside our back door. Laughter was present throughout our time together. Thank God that I am able to periodically gather with these other younger women religious. They reinforce my call and desire to live out my religious vocation as an Ursuline Sister.
Sr. Jeannie
Sr. Jeannie
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Summer Retreat
As an Ursuline sister, one of the precious opportunities we have is to go on retreat each year. This means we go away for a week to a place of quiet, beautiful space and interior time. It is such a blessed time. You get to spend time with yourself thinking about your life over the past year and planning for next year's. Quite honestly at the beginning, I do lots of sleeping. Then I get inspired and motivated to pray and just be with God.
This year, I went to a wonderful place-so welcoming and peaceful!!
I listened to Fr. Anthony Gittens, CSSp talk about Mission, Evangelization and Discipleship. We are all called to live and act as Jesus did. Our Eucharist words of "do this in memory of me" mean do as Jesus did.
Prayers and blessings,
Sr. Jeannie
This year, I went to a wonderful place-so welcoming and peaceful!!
I listened to Fr. Anthony Gittens, CSSp talk about Mission, Evangelization and Discipleship. We are all called to live and act as Jesus did. Our Eucharist words of "do this in memory of me" mean do as Jesus did.
Prayers and blessings,
Sr. Jeannie
Friday, July 18, 2014
God's Grandeur
Recently I had the opportunity to participate in a family vacation cruise. As it was my first cruise I was in awe of everything. One morning I was looking out on the ocean and was struck by the beauty. I was reminded of the poem, God's Grandeur, by Gerard Manley Hopkins. The line that summed up what I was seeing was "The world is charged with the grandeur of God..." As I looked out on the ocean I was struck by the infinity of the sea before me. It reminded me of God's love for each one of us and how God tenderly holds each one of us in the palm of his hand. I share a few pictures which remind me of this reality.
Sr. Pat
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Malaysian Plane Disaster
While our world mourns let us join our prayers together for all those impacted by the Malaysian Airline crash. May the Lord embrace those who have died and cradle those who mourn their loss. May they all rest in peace. May we continue to seek peace in all aspects of our lives.
Sr. Pat
Sr. Pat
Monday, March 17, 2014
An Irish Blessing for St. Patrick's Day!!!
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
Wishing all a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
St. Patrick preached a message of God's love so let us do the same in his honor today and always.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
National Catholic Sisters Week
National Catholic Sisters Week will be celebrated from March
8 - 14 as part of National Women’s History Month. It is
intended to shine a national spotlight on the good works and
good will of Catholic sisters. It recognizes past and present
sisters, from the movers and shakers pressing the front lines of
social change to the faithful praying in cloistered chapels. This
is a great time for all of us to pray in thanksgiving for all women
who answer the call to religious life. Let us remember with
grateful hearts all of the women who were such models of faith
for us and who always saw the best in us! I am very grateful for
Catherine Marie Jordan, Marie Jerome Murray, Maura
Mackessey and Marie Therese Bugge who taught me so much
and who shaped me into the woman I am today!
Pat Schifini, OSU
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Words I need to love by as I prepare for another change in my life-moving, new job responsibilities ..
Life is unpredictable and you never know what is coming next.
Don't ever get too comfortable.
Always be ready for CHANGE.
Loving God and Madre Angela, please help me to remember this
and be with me as I continue to grow and develop
into the best human being I can be.
Sr. Jeannie
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Lent 2014
Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. We are beginning the liturgical season of Lent.
So often we think of Lent as a time of fasting. However it is important that we remember too that Lent means "spring-- a time of new beginnings.
This Lent let us not only "fast from" but also to "feast on" kindness, respect, gratitude, appreciation, patience, compassion, hope and forgiveness.
Prayers and blessings that this Lent be a time of grace for all.
Sr. Pat and Sr. Jeannie
So often we think of Lent as a time of fasting. However it is important that we remember too that Lent means "spring-- a time of new beginnings.
This Lent let us not only "fast from" but also to "feast on" kindness, respect, gratitude, appreciation, patience, compassion, hope and forgiveness.
Prayers and blessings that this Lent be a time of grace for all.
Sr. Pat and Sr. Jeannie
Saturday, February 22, 2014
First Impressions
This winter in lower New York's State's Westchester County has been hard. All we have been having it seems is snow, ice and cold. Mounds of snow are everywhere. It's beautiful to look at it when it first comes down and in areas where there is grass and trees-but once cars and people start walking and moving it around, it gets dirty and doesn't look so nice.
This makes me reflect on first impressions and how important they are. But then also how they can not always be the full person's true self. As a teacher of graduate education students, I'm constantly talking about how one's first impression to a principal, fellow colleague, parent and child is so vital and critical. While this is true-just like when I first see snow-I'm taken away by it's natural beauty, the cleanliness and clearness it seems to provides. Snow also makes me just want to sit by the window with a steaming mug of hot chocolate and just reflect. In many ways, it makes me want to do nothing and just be-Now just being -that's important, but honestly I don't always just be-too often I just do. I'm reminded of a song used at morning prayer at times by some of my Ursuline Sister-Just to be is a blessing, Just to be is holy!
As I deal with this messy snow now and have to keep digging my car out, watching for black ice and trying to not slip, I must remember the vastness and openness that the snow first provided me and be thankful for that.
I have to remember when a person upsets me-I have to think back to other times I've been with that person and what did I look like about him or her and what good points this person has. After all, all of us have our positive and negative sides and being human is accepting them in ourselves and others.
Blessing for a great weekend!!
Love, Sr. Jeannie
This makes me reflect on first impressions and how important they are. But then also how they can not always be the full person's true self. As a teacher of graduate education students, I'm constantly talking about how one's first impression to a principal, fellow colleague, parent and child is so vital and critical. While this is true-just like when I first see snow-I'm taken away by it's natural beauty, the cleanliness and clearness it seems to provides. Snow also makes me just want to sit by the window with a steaming mug of hot chocolate and just reflect. In many ways, it makes me want to do nothing and just be-Now just being -that's important, but honestly I don't always just be-too often I just do. I'm reminded of a song used at morning prayer at times by some of my Ursuline Sister-Just to be is a blessing, Just to be is holy!
As I deal with this messy snow now and have to keep digging my car out, watching for black ice and trying to not slip, I must remember the vastness and openness that the snow first provided me and be thankful for that.
I have to remember when a person upsets me-I have to think back to other times I've been with that person and what did I look like about him or her and what good points this person has. After all, all of us have our positive and negative sides and being human is accepting them in ourselves and others.
Blessing for a great weekend!!
Love, Sr. Jeannie
Monday, January 27, 2014
St. Angela Merici's Feast Day
Join us in prayer for the Feast Day of St. Angela Merici,
Opening Prayer: Loving God,
we ask you to be with us today on the feast day of St.Angela Merici, founderess of the Ursuline Sisters. She gave us an example of prayerful and dedicated service to all people. Help us to do the same service. Let us read,
listen and pray with Angela’s words.
“Put your whole soul into the enterprise you have undertaken.”
on steadfastly and faithfully the work you have undertaken.”
“Be gentle and compassionate towards one
you are, give good example.”
one another according to each need which may arise.”
have charity burning in your hearts”
times and circumstances demand it, make necessary change;
but do
so with prudence and good advice.”
Prayer: Gracious God, following the example of Angela Merici, we ask
that you enlighten, direct, and teach us what we must do for love of you and
for your people.. Help us to have
confidence and strong faith that you will assist us in everything. Bless us as we walk ahead for whatever you
call us this day and everyday. Amen
St. Angela Merici's Feast Day

“Put your whole soul into the enterprise you have undertaken.”
on steadfastly and faithfully the work you have undertaken.”
“Be gentle and compassionate towards one
you are, give good example.”
one another according to each need which may arise.”
have charity burning in your hearts”
times and circumstances demand it, make necessary change;
but do
so with prudence and good advice.”
Prayer: Gracious God, following the example of Angela Merici, we ask
that you enlighten, direct, and teach us what we must do for love of you and
for your people.. Help us to have
confidence and strong faith that you will assist us in everything. Bless us as we walk ahead for whatever you
call us this day and everyday. Amen
Sunday, January 5, 2014
The New Year of 2014-The Visit of the Three Kings
It is now 2014!! Another exciting year ahead of us to have new adventures, new people in our lives and new experiences. This year, I am really going to try to live out our Chapter message from October 2013.
As communities of faith in mission, we respond to God's gift of a new heart and a new spirit.
With the courage of Angela, we dare to be the change we wish to see in our world.
In solidarity and compassion, and compelled by the Gospel,
we open our hearts to the cries of our earth and its people.
I need to remember to respond the the cries of our people and work to be the change I wish to see. I can't just talk- I need to act and be too.
Today, our Catholic Church celebrated the Three Kings coming to visit Baby Jesus-they came from afar to see Jesus- I need to remember to travel both literally and figuratively to allow myself to have a new heart and a new spirit. I can count on Angela's courage to go forward.
Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu
Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union
Chapter 2013 Message
As communities of faith in mission, we respond to God's gift of a new heart and a new spirit.
With the courage of Angela, we dare to be the change we wish to see in our world.
In solidarity and compassion, and compelled by the Gospel,
we open our hearts to the cries of our earth and its people.
I need to remember to respond the the cries of our people and work to be the change I wish to see. I can't just talk- I need to act and be too.
Today, our Catholic Church celebrated the Three Kings coming to visit Baby Jesus-they came from afar to see Jesus- I need to remember to travel both literally and figuratively to allow myself to have a new heart and a new spirit. I can count on Angela's courage to go forward.
Sr. Jeannie Humphries, osu
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