Thursday, March 2, 2017

Choose Life

H​ow deeply can​ we yield to what God wants to do with us, in us, through us​?  Today’s Lenten readings remind us to choose life that we may live and to take up our cross and follow.  The reading from Deuteronomy always causes me to reflect on the notion of life.  We are besieged by so many distractions that we don’t always have the opportunity to spend time on what is truly important our relationship with our God.  During Lent, we are invited to take some time to look at our lives and how we are living them.  We are called to go beyond ourselves and reach out in love and compassion.  As we pick up our daily crosses we are challenged to recall that it is not the physical cross that Jesus carried that we are asked to carry it is the seemingly small inconveniences that are the heaviest.

May this Lenten season be filled with many blessings and good things for each one of us.

Pat Schifini, OSU

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