Friday, April 26, 2019

Reaching Beyond Ourselves

Today two heroes were honored in New York.  One in Westchester County and one in New York City.  Both served in our military one a hero of World War II and the other killed while on duty with the National Guard.  The one in Westchester died in a nursing home and had no family.  A young woman who volunteered at the nursing home where he spent his final days made sure that he had the proper funeral with full military honors.  Her desire to honor his service and memory touched many people and his funeral was more than she could ever imagine.  Many people turned out to celebrate the life of a decorated veteran.  The most touching part was when the flag that draped his coffin was given to the young volunteer.  In the city the young father of three was celebrated with full military and fire department honors and will be laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery.  Each of these men served their country with honor and remind us of the importance of looking outside ourselves and reaching out to others.  Let us take time to embrace the call that is greater than ourselves and always try to “do unto others as you would want done to you.”  

Pat Schifini, OSU

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