Sunday, February 23, 2025

Prayer for Pope Francis

Today on this Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time our thoughts and prayers turn to Pope Francis as he remains hospitalized with double pneumonia and anemia. He continues to be treated at Gemelli hospital in Rome and had a restful night but is still in critical condition.

In our Gospel today we are called by Jesus to love our neighbor and pray for those who persecute us. In our world today so much is happening that sometimes it is hard to remember to pray for all we need to. Our loving God hears our prayers and knows our needs. We need to trust that our God is always with us. Let us continue to pray for our world, one another, and ourselves that we might be Christ for one another.

Prayer for Pope Francis

O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful,
look favorably on your servant Francis,
whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd;

Grant, we pray, that by word and example
he may be of service to those over whom he presides
so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care,
he may come to everlasting life.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.



Sunday, February 16, 2025



In today’s gospel reading from Luke, we hear the reading of what is often called the Sermon on the Plain. The parallel to this passage if found in Matthew’s gospel and is often called the Sermon on the Mount. As these titles suggest, there are differences and similarities between these gospel readings.

In Matthew’s gospel we hear Jesus deliver the Beatitudes from the mountaintop. Jesus spoke with the authority and voice of God. The mountaintop is a symbol of closeness to God. As Luke introduces the location of Jesus' teaching, Jesus teaches on level ground, alongside the disciples and the crowd. Luke presents Jesus' authority in a different light. He is God among us.

Matthew uses eight Beatitudes to deliver Jesus’ message, and Luke uses four followed by woes. Beatitudes were not unique to Jesus. Beatitudes are found in the Old Testament, such as in the Psalms and in Wisdom literature. They are a way to teach about who will find favor with God. The word blessed in this context might be translated as “happy,” “fortunate,” or “favored.”

The Beatitudes invite us to trust and are often described as a framework for Christian living. By living the Beatitudes, we live our lives focused on the Kingdom of God. May the Beatitudes guide us in our living and give us the strength we need to follow Jesus’ teachings of love and mercy.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Give Us Hearts

Today we celebrate the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. In our Gospel we hear the familiar story of Jesus telling the disciples to put out into the deep and lower their nets. The disciples are tired and discouraged as they hadn’t caught anything during their first time out. On their second trip out, they caught many fish, and their nets were almost breaking. Jesus showed compassion for His disciples, and they responded.

A prayer that I have found helpful during these times is one by Fr. Dan Harnett – Give Us Hearts. May we have hearts full of hope and reach out with compassion for all.

Give Us Hearts       

God of love and compassion: may we always recognize your spirit:

· in the refugee family, seeking safety from violence;

· in the migrant worker, bringing food to our tables;

· in the asylum-seekers, seeking justice for their families;

· in the unaccompanied child, traveling in a dangerous world.

Give us hearts that break open whenever our brothers and sisters turn to us.

Give us hearts that no longer turn deaf to their voices in times of need.

Give us eyes to recognize a moment for grace instead of a threat.

Give us voices that fail to remain silent, but which decide instead to advocate prophetically.

Give us hands that reach out in welcome, but also in work, for a world of justice until all homelands are safe and secure. Amen
            - Fr. Dan Hartnett S.J.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Consecrated Life Sunday

On Sunday February 2nd, the universal Church gathers in prayer and gratitude in celebration of the gift of Consecrated Life to the World.

More than ever, our world that is in turmoil, needs the witness and hope that you and your Sisters/Brothers have brought, bring and will continue to bring.

Pope Francis speaking to the Consecrated Religious of the World challenges each of us to:

Wake up the World with Uplifting Words of Hope

Remember the beauty of your first call.

Jesus continues to call you today with same full love and untamed grace.

Go forth!  There is always more to do, to encounter, to appreciate, to be astonished by.

Begin and end with the joy of prayer-the marrow of consecrated life.

Go forth! Each of us has a role to play in the Church.

Witness and sow well each day and look to tomorrow with hope.

Go forth! Grow in love or God so that others will be attracted by the divine light in you.

Welcome the new vocations the Lord sends to continue the work of consecration.

Wake up the World with Uplifting Words of Hope

Let us pray for all those living Consecrated Life. May many others embrace the life.