In today’s Gospel, we hear about suffering, repentance, and bearing
fruit. To an outsider, these three things may seem to have nothing in common,
but for us disciples, we learn an important lesson about living the Christian
life. The parable of the Fig Tree calls
us to trust in God who always offers us a “second chance.” God waits for us
with patience and mercy. Looking at the image of fig tree we see a tree that
has gone barren, lost its fruitfulness, is bitter and thorny. There are times
when I can be like this too. Jesus says give it a little more time. Allow it to
be nourished and it will grow. In many ways this is what God wants to give me
during this Lenten season. God wants to nourish me and help me to grow.
Lent is that time for us to come back to God with all our hearts. Like
the fig tree we will grow if we allow ourselves to be nourished and pruned by
God. Lent is the time where we confront our frailty, our weaknesses, and our
struggles as we continue the journey to the cross with Jesus. We are invited to
look at our lives through the lens of faith, trusting that God will be with us
through it all.
What is God calling me to this Lent? Am I being invited to look at
my own limitations, my own brokenness and surrender them to God? Am I being
called like the fig tree to allow myself to be pruned and nurtured by God to be
transformed at Easter? How can I cultivate this new life that is open to me? Loving
God, during this Lenten season give me the grace to trust, grow and cultivate
new life.